This weekend has felt rushed and a bit crazy. Mainly because we are off on a well deserved holiday to the Maldives and I always find myself with a longer than usual to-do list before I go away. By the time this blog is posted we should have arrived in paradise. I can't wait!
Saturday morning was spent working unfortunately. It's a symptom of being self-employed and taking time off.
But spring has sprung on our little terrace and the happy primroses are out in full bloom.
The weather was strange on Saturday which made for dramatic cloud scenes. This was taken just before the hail stones started pouring down.
Sunday morning was spent packing. I'm not sure if taking only 4 pairs of shoes is a wise move but I'm hoping I'll be bare foot on the white sand for most of the trip. I'll be posting a 'how I pack' post later in the week.
We have a thing for Eames chairs and ordered ourselves this rocking chair in navy back in January from SCP. It arrived this weekend and is currently living in my office. I couldn't be happier with it.