Monday 9 June 2014

Weekend Scenes

This weekend was filled with the most glorious weather which lent itself to stunning views from my window.

Blue skies call for blue nails (and veiny hands!) so I went for light by Topshop and dark by Essie.

Sunday morning was spent with a lovely friend catching up over tea and juices at Riding House Cafe.

I managed to fit in some training for the London Triathlon I am taking part in with Simply swim, a great gym session then a much needed realigning yoga class.

I also added to my make up collection with these treats from Topshop. I have a few of the lip bullets now and they really are great value, with a lasting, non-drying formula. I can't wait to try out this pea-soup coloured nail polish either, it's a happy summer shade.

Nail polish in Clique and Exposed, Lip bullet in Joyride
Have a lovely week!