Thursday 9 April 2015

Time To Tan

I am very excited to announce that I have a new contributor for the blog, the lovely Abbi! Not only is Abbi a major beauty fanatic, she also balances being a fashion PR, with a personal training business while raising her adorable son. Phew! Abbi will be joining me in testing and trialling all things beauty for the Abbi over to you!

Image Pinterest

The 70s tan suede trend is huge and everywhere. While I am loving it, it raises a little predicament when it comes to outfit styling. The only thing worse than tan tights with brown suede shorts is pasty white legs. If, like me, your legs have spent the past few months in layers and termals then you might not be too keen to get them out for all to see. I have however, found a godsend in a can (or pump dispenser depending on your preference) in the shape of Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Natural Bronze Gradual Tanning Moisturiser. It's a doddle to apply, I slather it on after a shower when I'm freshly exfoliated, and you end up with an even, natural, healthy glow that doesn't look fake and lasts days. Plus it smells like yummy treats and isn't pricey!

Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Natural Bronze Gradual Tanning Moisturiser Lotion £5.59 & Spray £7.99 BUY HERE

Until Palmer's develops a gradual face tan, I'll be staying faithful to Elemis' Total Glow Bronzing Moisturiser for Face. The lightweight formulation doesn't dry out my already dehydrated skin, it simply delivers just enough natural looking colour to take my complexion from pallid to healthy glow. Use it at night under your usual moisturiser and your morning will get off to a great start when your bleary eyes catch sight of your radiant complexion.

Elemis Total Glow Bronzing Moisturiser For Face £29.50 BUY HERE

Armed with gorgeous bronzed limbs I think I'm ready for those Zara suede shorts now...I just need to get my toes sorted next!